Friday, February 18, 2011

Virtualization - Create the Ultimate Vision

Ernestine Shepherd
73 year old Body Builder
Yes, ladies - it can be done!

The first item of the "Fit at Fifty" business plan is a clear vision. What exactly is it that you are trying to create? What is the big picture? The ultimate objective?

The book, "Cash in a Flash" by Robert G. Allen talks about a process to help that helps create the vision. It is called "Virtualization." Scan back and remember something that blew you away.  An experience that wowed you. Receiving an award, diploma, birth of child, extraordinary acknowledgement  - now remember it more vividly-- as though it was happening again right now. Remember what it felt like - what it feels like - who was present? What are you wearing? What are the sounds? The colors? See, smell and taste that experience. All five senses. Notice details. Make the colors more vivid. Make it more real than you remembered it.

This is called "virtualization" which is an excellent visioning process. Not just "seeing" your vision, but experiencing it in IMAX memory imprints it on your psyche.

Fast forward five years. What do I want to look like? In a word, Ernestine Shepard (okay, so that is going to be 23 years from now - even better). I'd like to be more fit and toned than I have ever been in my life and all the sensations that go along with that.

Why go through this process? Because usually somewhere along the way those Self Imposed Boundaries (SIB) pop up--those little voices: "You're too tired", "You're too old", "You can't do it" - then your heartbeat quickens, palm sweat...and you experience the biggest dreambuster of all --fear.

Most of us experience fear in all five senses. That is why fear is so real. Intense. Are your dreams more real than that? That is the secret here. To achieve your dreams "Your dreams must be more real than your fears".

Step One
1) Virtualize your vision. Dream big. Take time to experience your new life in Panavision, SurroundSound and Virtual Reality.

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